Sorry for the small size, but this is the only picture of the place I can find. Notice the glass structure in the front? Yeah, that's the lobby where I am right now. It looks really strange and doesn't match the rest of the building really, but whatever. It is the go-to hang out spot for residents on campus. Funny thing is, the lobby as a result pretty much has a dedicated cast of characters that you can expect to see here at any given time. I mean people like Jose, Casey, Thug Nasty (for real), Hollywood, DJ. For the longest time I was kinda afraid to stay down here, but really, everyone is pretty chill and is usual just bored off their asses like any other college student. Also in case you wanted to know I live on the second floor of the place behind that big-ass tree on the left. Lucked out on that one, nobody can see me smokin' dat herb in my room. (not really)
Anyway, I don't know how frequently I will post or if this will even work at all, but seeing as I started this blog when I was bored, I will probably have 100 posts before the end of the semester. I will probably choose to keep my identity anonymous simply because I can say whatever the fuck I want to and not have to hear no shit about it later. It's not that I can't talk shit in person, I'm just much more eloquent and fleshed-out in a text format. I'll talk about classes, college life, relationships, random shit that happens, whatever.
So anyway, peace and love motherfuckers, and welcome to Morehead State. I'll have a post describing the university as a whole soon. Til then, see ya.
I was telling my current coworkers about this crappy residence hall when I decided to look the place up for reference. By a stroke of luck, I found this post. I resided on the first floor behind the “big ass tree on the left”, but due to some personal reasons, I had to leave MSU in early October of ‘14. Before then, I hung out in that lobby too. If you’re still around, hey! I hope you made it through school and didn’t make too many drastic college student mistakes!